I am currently using the Serfas Stinger saddle. For the past few years I have been changing saddles each year. This saddle that I have been using is fine. Fine that is until a real long ride or a ride over rough terrain. Basically, if it hurts me, it hurts for about a week after that.
So, my next upgrade purchase will be a saddle. Any suggestions. I have read the GamJams reviews posted last month so no need to direct me to those. I weigh 185 lb during the race season. This time I am looking for a saddle for the long haul. What should I get?
I really like my bontrager inform RL saddle.
Bontrager Inform is a solid recommendation, but I had the experience that I sat too tucked for it and had the usual peepee problem. From the few times I've seen Josh race, he gets pretty tucked, too. Fortunately, Bontrager has that fit guarantee, which makes it a great place to start.
I'm loving my Specialized Tritip, fwiw.
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