Sunday, June 22, 2008

Go Fast Don't Stop to Pee

I ate lunch with the family at the new Chipotle in Virginia Beach before leaving for the Go Fast Turn Left race yesterday. We took separate cars and I was packed and ready to leave. Still I was a little nervous about not making it in time for the race. When I left the restaurant I thought to myself "self, you should have used the restroom before leaving." But who has time for that I needed to get to the race.

I was in a hurry and I was going fast. At least that is what the cop in Waverly told me. Thanks for letting me off with a warning "pay attention to those reduced speed signs." (That's the Go Fast part of the title)

I started to really regret the decision on not stopping to pee. I was drinking some tonic water (helps prevent leg cramps) and I had my 1 liter Nalgene bottle with water in it. I was on I95 when I thought there might be a chance that I would really need take care of this problem. I did not want to get off the freeway and try to find a restroom that may or may not be right off the exit. So I was developing plan B. Plan B was simple...empty my Nalgene bottle. So I finished the rest and set it right by me.

I got to 288 and realized I was still nearly 20 minutes away. At this point I had no choice. Good bye Nalgene bottle. I had to stop peeing when I started to get worried about it spilling over. Because of the angle I was at this only allowed me to fill it to the 600 mL mark (which seemed like a lot). But I still had to pee.

The relief of 600 mL was enough to relax me a little and bought me time. The first thing I did when I got to race was find a port-a-potty and finish the job. I sort of wanted to measure that because it seemed like another liter worth. At least I knew I was hydrated.

On a completely unrelated subject, I have a water bottle pictured here that I am willing to give away to the first person who asks for it. There is nothing wrong with it I just don't feel like I need it any more.

About the race. Kyle the Kid scored 2nd in the Juniors, John Gray got another 5th place in the Cat 4 and should be upgrading soon. All three of us raced Cat 3/4 and I got into the winning break that lapped the field. The mistake I made was when we lapped the field I took a lap or two to sit on the back and relax. That was the wrong thing to do because I never made it back to the front and ended up with 7th place overall (there were 11 in the break I think). But I was thrilled with result. I later raced the Pro/1/2/3 race and felt pretty good. I tried a last minute (with 4 laps to go) break but got caught on the line. There was a break that had lapped the field so I don't know what placing I actually got because I didn't hang out. But still I was very pleased with our team's performance.

So I used the restroom before leaving the race and headed to Smithfield for my niece's and nephew's birthday party.

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